Tuesday, 19 April 2016

RMIT university

RMIT university (Royal Melbourne Institute Of Technology) is an Australian Public university located in Melbourne, Victoria. This university was founded in 1887. Royal Melbourne Institute Of Technology is most popular university in Australia. The motto of  this university is "A Skilled Hand, a Cultivated Mind" Former name of Royal Melbourne Institute Of Technology in 1887-1993 was working men's college and from 1934-1959 it's name was Melbourne Technical college. This University is socially and economically  very strong. People from all over the world prefers to study in this university. total strength  of students in this university is more than 59000 out of which 47000 are undergraduate and rest are post graduate. even though teaching staff is more than 4500. Mr. Ziggy Switkowski is the chancellor of Royal Melbourne Institute Of technology and Mr. Martin G Bean is vice chancellor of this university. 

There are three academic colleges of RMIT. College of science , engineering and health, college of Bussiness and college of Design and social context. In college of science,  engineering and health there are RMIT school of applied science, RMIT school of civil, environmental and chemical engineering, RMIT school of Health science, RMIT school of Medical science. In college of Business there are RMIT school of accounting, RMIT school of business IT and logistics, RMIT school of finance, economics and markting. RMIT graduate school of business and Law.

In RMIT college of design and social context there are RMIT school of arts, RMIT school of design TEFE, RMIT school of education.According to the research by QS world university ranking RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute Of Technology) is ranked as a five star and it's ranked as a 20th in the world for art and design.

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